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★Hiji Waterfall River Trekking★【Guided Tours in Okinawa 】

☆☆☆Hiji Waterfall River Trekking☆☆☆

Have you ever touched fantastic nature in Okinawa?
If you have not, we guide you to the great nature world called Hiji waterfall, which is the biggest waterfall in Okinawa. Of course Hiji river is such clear and brilliantピカピカピカピカ!! We are sure it takes your breath away. Moreover, on the way to the waterfall, you might bump into the local creatures that live in the forests, such as Okinawa tree lizards or Okinawa blue dragonflies. They are all rare creatures as they live in only Okinawa so you could be excited a lot while walking.
It is located in the northern part of the island, approximately 20 kilometers north of the city of Nago.
All programs are required to reserve in advance by e-mail or phone call.
E-mail:gajumaru@wens.gr.jp Tel&Fax: +81-(0)980-58-1852
Address: 845 Makiya, Nago city, Okinawa, 9051143 JAPAN

晴れMeet up: Hiji Falls park, Kunigami village
晴れTime table:(A.M.)9:00-12:00 (P.M.)13:30-16:30
晴れWhat to bring:Hats, towel, rain wear, water bottle, insect repellent, and a warm change of clothes.
晴れWhat to wear:A quick drying shirt and pants or swimwear,a hat, and footwear for the water or sandal
晴れPrice:Adult 5300JPY/ Child under 12 years old 3000JPY/ Child under 6 years old 1000JPY, including entrance fee.
晴れPrice for a group,which has more than 4 people:Adullt 4770JPY/ Child under 12 years old 2700JPY/ Child under 6 years old 1000JPY, including entrance fee.
*We cannnot count a child under 6 years old as a member of a group.
*We only accept JPY cash only.
*We offer group rates if the group is more than 20 people.Please inquire for the detail.

For the reservation and detail, please inquire to Gajumaru Nature School.ニコニコハートニコニコ

We all are looking forward to seeing you and hope you have a great day by our tours!!

Thank you,

Gajumaru Nature School

★Hiji Waterfall River Trekking★【Guided Tours in Okinawa 】
★Hiji Waterfall River Trekking★【Guided Tours in Okinawa 】
★Hiji Waterfall River Trekking★【Guided Tours in Okinawa 】
★Hiji Waterfall River Trekking★【Guided Tours in Okinawa 】

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Posted by がじゅまる自然学校 at 18:04│Comments(0)◆Okinawa Guided tours(trekking, kayaking)