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Sea Kayak in Haneji Naikai

ピカピカピカピカSea Kayak in Haneji Naikaiピカピカピカピカ

Have you ever sea kayakked in Okinawa?
Sea kayaking is exciting and also makes you feel comfortable as you can explore and touch lots of great nature.
Especially in Haneji Naikai, you have a chance to bump into cute clubs called Southern sand bubble clubs or unique birds called
Black-faced spoonbill. Or if you want to kayak slowly or take a nap on your kayak, you can also do that while feeling nature!
Lovely Southern sand bubble clubs
[Southern sand bubble clubs]

Of course before starting, your guide who have a sense of humor teach you how to paddle properly so
even if you do not have any experience of kayak,no worries about that!! Moreover all our kayaks are double kayaks so they have stability and
you can paddle with your lovely friends or family.

You might expect that your guide can speak English but we have an only guide who can speak English so your tour might be in Japanese.
But as I said all our guides have great skills to make you enjoy so let us help you have a fantastig day by kayaks!!
Sea Kayak in Haneji Naikai

All programs are required to reserve in advance by e-mail or phone call.
E-mail:gajumaru@wens.gr.jp Tel&Fax: +81-(0)980-58-1852
Address: 845 Makiya, Nago city, Okinawa, 9051143 JAPAN

Meet up:Gajumaru Nature School
Duration:[Long course]3hours [Short course]1.5hour
[Long course]
Adult 6,000 yen
Child under 12 years old 3,500 yen
Child under 6 years old 1,000 yen
*If your group has more than 4 people, we can discount but you cannnot count a child under 6years old as a member of a group.
Adult 5,400 yen
Child under 12 years old 3,150 yen
Child under 6 years old 1,000 yen
[Short course]
Adult 3,800 yen
Child under 12 years old 2,200 yen
Child under 6 years old 1,000 yen
* We cannnot discount for short course.
What to wear:A quick drying shirt and pants or swimwear,a hat, and footwear for the water or sandal
What to bring:Hats, towel, rain wear, water bottle, insect repellent, and a warm change of clothes.
*We only accept JPY cash only.
*We offer group rates if the group is more than 20 people.Please inquire for the detail.

For the reservation and detail, please inquire to Gajumaru Nature Schooニコニコl!!

Sea Kayak in Haneji Naikai
Sea Kayak in Haneji Naikai

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